Write down the English words for the following Indonesian words. Compare your work to your classmate’s.
s k _ _ _ (noun) = rok
_ _ _ d e _ _ _ _ (adjective) = bagus sekali
_ _ r r _ _ _ _ (adjective) = hebat
_ _ _ _ i r _ (verb) = menginspirasi
_ _ _ u d (adjective) = bangga
_ _ c e _ _ _ (verb) = menerima
_ _ _ _ es (noun) = salam/doa
_ _ _ _ _ n g (adjective) = penyembuh
_ _ o u _ _ _ (noun) = pikiran/angan/harapan
_ _ le (adjective) = pucat
_ _ _ r e _ _ _ _ _ (verb) = menghargai
_ _ d y (verb) = merapikan
_ _ _ f f (verb) = membuat empuk/lembut
_ _ _ _ _ g h _ _ _ (verb) = menarik/merapikan
Soal Bahasa Inggris Complimenting and Showing Care Vocabulary Builder SMA Kelas X |
Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris BAB Complimenting and Showing Care VOCABULARY BUILDER Kelas X SMA
skirt (noun) = rok
wonderful (adjective) = bagus sekali
terrific (adjective) = hebat
inspire (verb) = menginspirasi
proud (adjective) = bangga
wishes (noun) = salam/doa
healing (adjective) = penyembuh
thoughts (noun) = pikiran/angan/harapan
pale (adjective) = pucat
tidy (verb) = merapikan
fluff (verb) = membuat empuk/lembut
straighten (verb) = menarik/merapikan
sheets (noun) = sprei
Te (nown)